Bibliographic Title:Chitiga, M., Mabugu, R. & Ziramba, E. (2012) An analysis of the efficacy of fuel taxation for pollution control in South Africa. In: Sterner, T. (ed).Fuel taxes and the poor: the distributional effects of gasoline taxation and their implications for climate policy. London: Earthscan. 231-243. Output Type:Chapter in Monograph Read more
Bibliographic Title:Bratton, M. (2012) Citizen perceptions of local government responsiveness in sub-Saharan Africa. World Development. 40(3):516-527. Output Type:Journal articles - Non-HSRC staff Read more
Bibliographic Title:Manyema, M., Veerman, J.L., Chola, L., Tugendhaft, A., Labadarios, D. & Hofman, K. (2015) Decreasing the burden of type 2 diabetes in South Africa: the impact of taxing sugar-sweetened beverages. PLoS One. 10(11):Online. Output Type:Journal Article Read more
Bibliographic Title:Seymore, R., Van Heerden, J.H. & Mabugu, M. (2013) The impact of a multilateral electricity generation tax on competitiveness in southern Africa: a computable general equilibrium analysis using the global trade analysis project. Energy & Environment. 24(6):917-938. Output Type:Journal Article Read more
Bibliographic Title:Manyema, M., Veerman, L.J., Tugendhaft, A., Labadarios, D. & Hofman, K.J. (2016) Modelling the potential impact of a sugar-sweetened beverage tax on stroke mortality, costs and health-adjusted life years in South Africa. BMC Public Health. 16:Online. Output Type:Journal Article Read more
Bibliographic Title:Manyema, M., Veerman, L.J., Chola, L., Tugendhaft, A., Sartorius, B., Labadarios, D. & Hofman, K.J. (2014) The potential impact of a 20% tax on sugar-sweetened beverages on obesity in South African adults: a mathematical model. PLoS One. 9(8):Online. Output Type:Journal Article Read more