Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Nwosu, C. & Babalola, M. (2019) A critical review of the state of food and nutrition security in South Africa. (Commissioned by the National Development Agency (NDA), November). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Parker, W-A., Babalola, M., Makobane, L., Mpyana, M., Fakudze, B., Dyantyi, P. & Mkhabele, K. (2019) Defining a multi-level food and nutrition security information system (FNSIS) for South Africa. (Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), October). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Parker, W-A., Babalola, M., Makobane, L., Mpyana, M., Fakudze, B., Dyantyi, P. & Mkhabele, K. (2019) A guideline for multisectoral coordination of food and nutrition security at different levels in South Africa. (Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), October). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A.M., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Parker, W., Mcata, B., Mpyana, M., Makobane, L., Maila, M., Mkhabela, K., Babalola, M., Dyantyi, P., Molewa, O., Lekomanyane, P. & Booys, M. (2020) Rapid assessment of the impact of Covid-19 on agriculture and the food system in South Africa: final report. (Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Land reform and Rural Development, October). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Parker, W-A., Babalola, M., Makobane, L., Mpyana, M., Fakudze, B. & Dyantyi, P. (2019) South Africa food and nutrition security information systems review and capacity assessment: literature review report. (Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), April). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Nyamwanza, A., Jacobs, P., Sinyolo, S., Parker, W-A., Babalola, M., Makobane, L., Mpyana, M., Fakudze, B. & Dyantyi, P. (2019) Status and capacity assessment report for multilevel food and nutrition security coordination structures in South Africa. (Commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), October). Output Type:Research report-client Read more
Bibliographic Title:Jacobs, P., Mcata, B., Nwosu, C., Parker, W., Nyamwanza, A., Maila, M., Malinga, F. & Babalola, M. (2021) The status of population, food security, nutrition and sustainable development during the Covid-19 and lockdown period in South Africa. (Commissioned by the Department of Social Development (DSD), May). Output Type:Research report-client Read more