This chapter will introduce and explain the super dimensions in globalisation and education that this book explores. These (super) dimensions permeate all educational practice, yet are often invisible, or not adequately considered by educationalists and researchers alike. On one side of the equation, is the superdiversity as explored by Vertovec in the 2000s in the UK, and which has been recently taken up by globalised educational researchers, especially in terms of linguistic and literacy research. Superdiversity points to the 'diversity in diversity', and the ways in which the current globalised situation puts continual pressure on stable identity construction and the analysis of ethnicity, race, nationhood, migration status, and other social markers. On the other side of the equation is the supercomplexity of the current globalised situation. Theoretical frames seem inadequate almost as quickly as they are prepared, presented and articulated, due to the rapidly changing conditions. The comprehension of globalisation in education therefore benefits from a supercomplex framing; i.e. an analysis of the 'complexity of complexity' if it is to in any way apprehend 'the truth' of what is happening.
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