Low PreP awareness and willingness among transgender women in South Africa

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dc.date.accessioned 2022-08-17T13:49:23Z
dc.date.available 2022-08-17T13:49:23Z
dc.date.issued 2019-03-08 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/13548
dc.description Poster presentation at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, 4-7 March en
dc.format.medium Print en
dc.subject TRANSGENDER en
dc.subject WOMEN en
dc.title Low PreP awareness and willingness among transgender women in South Africa en
dc.type Conference or seminar papers en
dc.ProjectNumber PRAEAA en
dc.BudgetYear 2018/19 en
dc.ResearchGroup HIV/AIDS, STIs and TB en
dc.ArchiveNumber 10734 en
dc.URL http://ktree.hsrc.ac.za/doc_read_all.php?docid=21025 en
dc.outputnumber 9767 en
dc.bibliographictitle Poteat, T., van der Merwe, L.A., Cloete, A., Adams, D., Malik, M., Hanna, D. & Wirtz, A. (2019) Low PreP awareness and willingness among transgender women in South Africa. (Poster presentation at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, 4-7 March). http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/13548 en
dc.publicationyear 2019 en
dc.contributor.author1 Poteat, T. en
dc.contributor.author2 van der Merwe, L.A. en
dc.contributor.author3 Cloete, A. en
dc.contributor.author4 Adams, D. en
dc.contributor.author5 Malik, M. en
dc.contributor.author6 Hanna, D. en
dc.contributor.author7 Wirtz, A. en

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