In the past, women���s participation in the labour force was largely limited to their domestic roles. Along with
changes in gender norms, post-apartheid employment equity legislation and attempts to 'mainstream' gender
in State and private sector spheres contributed to significant growth in women���s employment. Still, more than
two decades after apartheid, new areas of employment for women continue to be in occupations traditionally
associated with ���women���s work��� (e.g. domestic work). This kind of work tends to have low status, low pay and
few opportunities for advancement. Particularly, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) women face barriers
in accessing and completing education, and when employed experience pervasive workplace discrimination
and harassment, including sexual violence. Consequently, black LBT women find themselves at the intersection
of racist, classist and heterosexist discrimination. In this open forum we report on a situational analysis of
government responses to socio-economic exclusion of LBT women in Gauteng. We explore the extent to which
South African policy and programming respond to socio-economic exclusion of LBT women, and specific
objectives include: (i) to review national policy strategies towards addressing socio-economic exclusion of LBT
women; and (ii) to review how national policy filters down (or not) into provincial responses, through reviewing
provincial policy and programming concerned with socio-economic exclusion of LBT women.
If you would like to obtain a copy of this Research Output, please contact the Research Outputs curators at researchoutputs@hsrc.ac.za
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