Public employment programmes (PEPs) have been widely implemented as a key policy instrument for addressing seasonal, short-term unemployment and for disaster mitigation for vulnerable populations. In the face of high levels of poverty, unprecedented levels of unemployment and inequality the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) in South Africa was established in 2004. EPWP is of strategic importance and is aligned to the National Development Plan Vision 2030 (NPC, 2012) and is positioned as a key programme to contribute
to achieving government???s goals of halving unemployment, building communities and active citizenship and reducing gaps in the social protection system of the country. The evaluation focused on sub-programmes implemented through the two Chief Directorates within DEA, namely the Natural Resource Management (NRM) and the Environmental Protection Infrastructure Programme (EPIP) Chief Directorates.
Commissioned by for the Environmental Programmes Branch, Department of Environmental Affairs, September
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