Our fragile state

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dc.date.accessioned 2022-01-05T09:15:06Z
dc.date.available 2022-01-05T09:15:06Z
dc.date.issued 2022-01-05 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/18855
dc.description Paper presented at a webinar: Constitution@25: ill-being to well-being fragmentation to social cohesion?, The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance , University of Cape Town, 10 December en
dc.format.medium Print en
dc.subject SOCIAL COHESION en
dc.subject INEQUALITY en
dc.subject WELL-BEING en
dc.title Our fragile state en
dc.type Conference or seminar papers en
dc.description.version N/A en
dc.ProjectNumber N/A en
dc.BudgetYear 2021/22 en
dc.ResearchGroup Inclusive Economic Development en
dc.ArchiveNumber 12229 en
dc.URL http://ktree.hsrc.ac.za/doc_read_all.php?docid=24798 en
dc.outputnumber 13609 en
dc.bibliographictitle Swartz, S., Lebakeng, T. & Fioramonti, L. (2021) Our fragile state. (Paper presented at a webinar: Constitution@25: ill-being to well-being fragmentation to social cohesion?, The Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance , University of Cape Town, 10 December). en
dc.publicationyear 2021 en
dc.contributor.author1 Swartz, S. en
dc.contributor.author2 Lebakeng, T. en
dc.contributor.author3 Fioramonti, L. en

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