This book provides arguments to advance South-South cooperation among BRICS member states and build closer ties with countries in Africa. Experts have flagged such cooperation and partnerships as opportunities to advance industrialisation, development and economic participation while building upon all parties' collective
insights. The annual commitments produced by the BRICS heads of state in support of these objectives need to be translated into implementable strategies across all sectors. However, across these countries, finding shared interests can be a challenge. Thus, where commitments are made, all the countries must act quickly and decisively to take advantage of the political support for such endeavours. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragmented and weakened global governance systems in a globalised world. The crisis demands that multinational organisations introduce coordinated responses in the collective interests of society. Instead, however, national interests tend to supersede the international common good with the rise of authoritarianism and voluntary governance (Levy 2021).
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