Editorial: 10 years of contributing to the professionalization of student affairs in Africa

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dc.date.accessioned 2023-08-28T10:01:07Z
dc.date.available 2023-08-28T10:01:07Z
dc.date.issued 2023-08-28 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/22133
dc.description.abstract The field of student affairs is continuously evolving to meet the changing needs of students and institutions in the higher education sector. Globally, there is a strong focus on enhancing student engagement and support through programmes, clubs, and extracurricular activities, aiming to foster personal growth, a sense of belonging, transferable skills and competences. Student mental health and wellness have become a priority, with colleges and universities expanding counselling services and providing resources to address the growing mental health challenges among students. Other forms of counselling, advising, as well as peer support, have also moved closer to the centre. Additionally, there is an increasing emphasis on creating inclusive campus environments through diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, which aim to promote equity, social justice, and support underrepresented student populations. Career development and employability are also key areas, with student affairs departments collaborating with career services offices on and off campuses to provide students with resources for career exploration and job placements. Lastly, the integration of technology and digital engagement has allowed student affairs professionals to connect with students through online platforms, virtual advising, and social media strategies. Many of these developments have been enhanced and accelerated by the experience of the Covid-19 pandemic. en
dc.format.medium Print en
dc.subject AFRICA en
dc.subject STUDENTS (COLLEGE) en
dc.subject HIGHER EDUCATION en
dc.title Editorial: 10 years of contributing to the professionalization of student affairs in Africa en
dc.type Journal Article en
dc.description.version Y en
dc.ProjectNumber N/A en
dc.Volume 11(1) en
dc.BudgetYear 2023/24 en
dc.ResearchGroup Equitable Education and Economies en
dc.SourceTitle Journal of Student Affairs in Africa en
dc.ArchiveNumber 9813865 en
dc.URL http://ktree.hsrc.ac.za/doc_read_all.php?docid=27235 en
dc.PageNumber Online en
dc.outputnumber 14522 en
dc.bibliographictitle Luescher, T.M., Moja, T. & Schreiber, B. (2023) Editorial: 10 years of contributing to the professionalization of student affairs in Africa. Journal of Student Affairs in Africa. 11(1):Online. en
dc.publicationyear 2023 en
dc.contributor.author1 Luescher, T.M. en
dc.contributor.author2 Moja, T. en
dc.contributor.author3 Schreiber, B. en

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