True to its vision of an indispensable voice in African affairs, the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA), a Research Institute in the Human Sciences Research Council, has concluded this year's Africa Young Graduates and Scholars Conference, 2023. The conference was held at the Sheraton Hotel, Pretoria, from 06 to 08 March 2023. Held under the theme: 'Assessing the first 10-year implementation plan of the Agenda 2063: A prospective analysis of peace, security and youth leadership in Africa.' The objectives were to allow young scholars from across the continent to rethink the future of Africa from a post-pandemic perspective, identify current challenges facing the continent and present ongoing empirical research that can move the continent forward in a global knowledge economy. The fundamental objective was to assess the first 10 years of Agenda 2063. What are the milestones? What has been achieved, and where are the lapses? And how can we ensure that greater urgency is exerted in areas where the continent has fallen short?
Commissioned by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), African Institute of South Africa (AISA)
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