Hit the road: spatial characteristics of labor absorption in South Africa

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dc.date.accessioned 2025-02-05T10:03:45Z
dc.date.available 2025-02-05T10:03:45Z
dc.date.issued 2024-02-21 en
dc.identifier.issn 0033-0124 en
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23013
dc.description.abstract Unequal spatial concentration is at the heart of economic imbalance in South Africa. This research aimed at spatially characterizing labor absorption patterns and exploring the link to spatial development. Labor absorption is often used as an indicator of labor market well-being and for many countries, the indicator is often more insightful than the unemployment rate. The research used secondary data to create a longitudinal data set of labor absorption, functional literacy, the ratio of urban population and gross domestic product growth rate, among others, at a municipal level. Exploratory spatial data analysis and thematic mapping were undertaken to illustrate the characteristics of the labor market, while spatial grouping created clusters of municipalities based on labor absorption. A positive upward trend was observed between labor absorption and the share of people in an urban area; that is, the more urban an area, the higher the labor absorption rate. Furthermore, the spatial clustering of municipalities highlighted linear patterns and when this was overlayed with roads and development corridors, clearly indicated the impact of regional spillovers. The findings suggest a more integrated focus on regional innovation policy to reduce spatial disparities in the economic landscape. en
dc.format.medium Print en
dc.subject UNEMPLOYMENT en
dc.title Hit the road: spatial characteristics of labor absorption in South Africa en
dc.type Journal Article en
dc.description.version Y en
dc.ProjectNumber N/A en
dc.Volume February en
dc.BudgetYear 2023/24 en
dc.ResearchGroup Deputy CEO: Research en
dc.ResearchGroup Developmental, Capable and Ethical State en
dc.SourceTitle The Professional Geographer en
dc.ArchiveNumber 9814277 en
dc.PageNumber Online en
dc.outputnumber 14934 en
dc.bibliographictitle Weir-Smith, G. & Dlamini, S. (2024) Hit the road: spatial characteristics of labor absorption in South Africa. The Professional Geographer. February:Online. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23013 http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23013 http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11910/23013 en
dc.publicationyear 2024 en
dc.contributor.author1 Weir-Smith, G. en
dc.contributor.author2 Dlamini, S. en

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