To bolster science diplomacy in Africa, South Africa has through the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) entered into science bilateral agreements with many countries in the continent. Additional agreements and engagements exist through Science Councils and institutions of higher learning. To strengthen its science diplomacy imperatives in Africa, DSI has established a Science and Technology Diplomacy program that explores possible ways of strengthening links with countries and institutions in Africa. To understand how South Africa can pursue its scientific engagement with the continent of Africa, a prospecting exercise for opportunities of engagement was done through science dialogues. The findings suggest that to meaningfully contribute to the development of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) agenda of the African Union (AU), South Africa requires a well-defined objective and a plan that is based on a clear understanding of the general strengths and
weaknesses of science, technology, and development in Africa as well as the specific challenges within individual partner countries. Supporting continental science and technology strategy (e.g., AU's STISA) and science and technology initiatives that contribute to developing and supporting research capacity and infrastructure should
guide South Africa's science diplomacy towards Africa.
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