Environmental analyses and management systems are increasingly becoming the central themes in socio-economic development frameworks and plans of basically all countries, including China and African countries. These systems are tied to the efficacy of natural sustainable development targets as well as livelihood support and human health protection schemes of countries. Largescale, transboundary environmental issues are now commonly associated with energy, transportation and agricultural sectors of national economies. Several factors that determine the environment sustainability of any country frequently lie outside the geography and jurisdictional boundaries of the country. Pollution and associated risk drivers may have their origins in one country but some of their effects could precipitate in/on other countries. In this interconnected world, greenhouse gas emissions in China can imperil human health directly and indirectly in some African countries. Conversely, bush burning in Sub-Saharan Africa can affect ecological systems in China through some cascading environmental effects. This chapter analyses how China-Africa collaboration can help address climate change and other environmental issues.
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