The abuse of the church as a sacred space for worship has been dented, in many ways. Across the country, the lists of Pastors (and other associated church leaders) being accused and prosecuted by law enforcement is getting longer annually. The wrongdoing is out in the open and is being exposed continuously, as such, something drastic needs to be done to protect the innocent and preserve the church as a safe space for worship. These negative reports and deeds done by some Charismatic churches is against the spirit and provisions of the Constitution on protection and promotion of ‘human dignity’, on ‘equality’, on ‘human rights’, on ‘opinion’, on ‘ideas’, on information’ and on ‘freedom’ (RSA Constitution, Chapter 2: Bill of Rights). These churches are exposing innocent citizens to slavery and servitude through the manipulation of religion and belief. The scale of reported and witnessed violation of the church as sacred space requires decisive action from the State. As such, amongst key responsibilities of government is that of maintaining harmony, order, safety and regulating social spaces. There needs to be a clear oversight department that churches report to. This can also be in the form of a regulatory body that can revise and implement policies that protect congregants within the parameters of their religious beliefs.
HSRC Policy Brief, February
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