Impact on vulnerability

Show simple item record 2025-03-18T16:02:03Z 2025-03-18T16:02:03Z 2025-03-18 en
dc.description.abstract After four years, the longer term effects of the pandemic are clear. Vulnerability derives from the uneven distribution of power, and Covid-19’s impact was marked when people were unable to access services, lacked adequate formal support, or lacked the right to such support. Covid-19 infection continued to impact families and communities whose vulnerability and disadvantage derives from the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, gender, disability, and citizenship; these factors increase risk of infection, illness, and social suffering. Measures to prevent infection, at times harshly enforced, constrained people’s access to social and health services, and income generation in the informal sector especially affected those isolated and living with social disadvantage. People who were marginalised, living with disabilities, or without official identity papers, suffered especially. While the Covid-19 SRD provided some support to poor households, grants did not match the rising costs of food and commodities. Financial stress and social isolation impacted the mental health of all groups, with the increased incidence of gender-based violence and child abuse. With unemployment, housing insecurity, and the rising costs of utility bills, transport, medical care and food, people drew on savings. Nonprofit community-based programmes, such as soup kitchens, also intervened to address people’s most immediate needs. Local initiatives for people without shelter, family or community support illustrate the potential for innovations to address disadvantage in any circumstance. en
dc.format.medium Print en
dc.publisher Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) en
dc.relation.hasversion 2nd en
dc.subject COVID-19 en
dc.subject SOCIAL GRANTS en
dc.title Impact on vulnerability en
dc.type Chapter in Monograph en
dc.description.version Y en
dc.ProjectNumber N/A en
dc.BudgetYear 2024/25 en
dc.ResearchGroup Public Health, Societies and Belonging en
dc.SourceTitle Development of a country report on the measures implemented to combat the impact of Covid-19 in South Africa: South Africa Covid-19 country report en
dc.SourceTitle.CorporateAuthor Presidency of South Africa en
dc.PlaceOfPublication Pretoria en
dc.ArchiveNumber 9814823 en
dc.PageNumber 266-295 en
dc.outputnumber 15481 en
dc.bibliographictitle Manderson, L., Adebayo, P., Kohler, T., Maree, G., Mohamed, K., Ndinda, C., Stanwix, B., Sodi, T. & , (2025) Impact on vulnerability. In: Presidency of South Africa Development of a country report on the measures implemented to combat the impact of Covid-19 in South Africa: South Africa Covid-19 country report. 2nd ed. Pretoria: Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME). 266-295. en
dc.publicationyear 2025 en
dc.contributor.author1 Manderson, L. en
dc.contributor.author2 Adebayo, P. en
dc.contributor.author3 Kohler, T. en
dc.contributor.author4 Maree, G. en
dc.contributor.author5 Mohamed, K. en
dc.contributor.author6 Ndinda, C. en
dc.contributor.author7 Stanwix, B. en
dc.contributor.author8 Sodi, T. en
dc.contributor.author9 , en

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