Stories of change: five diseases, one vaccine: a boost for emerging livestock farmers in South Africa

Show simple item record 2014-06-24 en 2023-01-08T19:01:06Z 2023-01-08T19:01:06Z 2015-08-25 en
dc.description Workshop report of IDRC Communications Workshop, November en
dc.description.abstract South African and Canadian researchers are developing new generation livestock vaccines that are affordable, heat-stable and give long-term protection. en
dc.format.medium Intranet en
dc.subject FARMERS en
dc.subject AGRICULTURE en
dc.subject LIVESTOCK en
dc.subject DISEASE en
dc.subject VACCINATION en
dc.title Stories of change: five diseases, one vaccine: a boost for emerging livestock farmers in South Africa en
dc.type Research report-other en
dc.ProjectNumber N/A en
dc.BudgetYear 2013/14 en
dc.ResearchGroup Human and Social Development en
dc.ArchiveNumber 8245 en
dc.URL en
dc.outputnumber 6976 en
dc.bibliographictitle Wallace, D.B., Mather, A., Chetty, T., Goga, S. & Babiuk, S. (2013) Stories of change: five diseases, one vaccine: a boost for emerging livestock farmers in South Africa. (Workshop report of IDRC Communications Workshop, November). en
dc.publicationyear 2013 en
dc.contributor.author1 Wallace, D.B. en
dc.contributor.author2 Mather, A. en
dc.contributor.author3 Chetty, T. en
dc.contributor.author4 Goga, S. en
dc.contributor.author5 Babiuk, S. en

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