Virtual prevention of HIV transmission from parents to children is possible. This is cause for hope and renewed energy for
prevention in general. The Global Plan is the most concerted and ambitious plan to date to protect children and to promote their
care. But the inspiring and much appreciated global targets cannot be achieved, nor will they be realized in spirit in addition to
form, without joint action between health services, affected women, their partners, families and communities and the wider
society. In turn, this engagement is only possible under enabling political, legal, material and social conditions. Much has already
been achieved, and community engagement can everywhere be seen in efforts to increase demand, to supply services and to
create and improve enabling environments. Some of these initiatives are highly organized and expansive, with demonstrated
success. Others are local but essential adjuncts to health services. The nature of this engagement varies because the challenges
are different across countries and parts of countries. To be sustained and effective, community action must simultaneously be
inclusive and supportive for those people who are affected, it must be appreciated and assigned a place within the broad
systemic response, and it must promote and defend social justice.
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