Current debate aims to reconceptualise the changing role and missions of the university in development, and to research the ways in which universities can leverage their knowledge resources to the benefit of a broader range of social partners than firms communities, government, or civil society in general. However, there is insufficient empirical and research evidence to inform how universities in specific contexts develop new capabilities to interact with a broad range of social and economic partners. The paper
examines how research universities in South Africa are developing interactive capabilities to support multiple goals of social and economic development. Section 1 describes macro-level policy to promote university interaction across the South African
national system of innovation, highlighting a disjuncture between innovation and higher education policy mechanisms that very recently, has shifted so that there is stronger state intervention to promote social innovation and university 'engagement'. Section 2
analyses the institutional conditions that support, limit and incentivise the integration of academic activities in two research universities as they face these challenges.
Paper presented at the
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