The overall purpose of the Mveledzandivho is to improve the quality of learing and teaching in the 27 participating schools. The proposed objective s of the project were to:
1. improve quality of education and life of the children of the BHP Billiton emploees
2. ensure long-term sustainablity and impact of the project in the participating schools
3. improve the employability and life chances of ciommunities anrund the BHP Billiton (SA) mining plants.
This report is the technical version of a companion summary-level or executive report. As such, this report comprised the very detailed reporting and analysis that were required to be able to make sense of the mass of material that had been collected as part of the evaluation. The technical and summary version of the report should be read jointly.
Commissioned by JET Education Services, September
If you would like to obtain a copy of this Research Output, please contact the Research Outputs curators at researchoutputs@hsrc.ac.za
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