The struggle against white minority rule in South Africa was one of the most significant liberation struggles of the post-World War II era. It drew effective international support from governments, organisations and peoples from all regions of the world, as did no
other prior movement except the international campaign against slavery. This is the first in a series of volumes that will examine international solidarity against apartheid. The chapters that follow deal with the role of a select group of international organisations,
cross-national non-governmental organisations, governments, and national and local movements in the struggle against apartheid. It must be emphasised from the outset that not all countries, organisations and movements could be covered in detail in this
volume. Those chosen have a special significance. However, in this chapter mention will be made of some of those not dealt with elsewhere in the volume. In addition, the planned second volume in this series will focus on the role that African international
organisations and countries played in supporting the struggle against apartheid.
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