This chapter investigates the state of South Africa's science and technology (S&T) system and its alignment with the policies and objectives of the government. It examines the socio-economic context within which S&T activities are conducted and reviews S&T policy developments since the advent of a democratic government. The discussion centres on the problems of measuring the inputs and outputs, including skilled human resources, associated with national systems of innovation. The new series of official annual South African research and development (R&D) surveys are important instruments that provide analysts and policy-makers with better insights into the functioning of the S&T system. The chapter explores the governance of the national system of innovation and the roles of the different sectors of programme. The mobility of knowledge workers is discussed in the context of the critical gaps in human resources in the country that need to be addresses at all levels, from school leavers to doctorate holders, if the desired capacity of the national system of innovation is to be realised and expanded.
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