This study has taken into account the newest research on language education in multilingual contexts. This research is evidence-based and not reliant on anecdotal or self-reporting evaluations. The most immediately relevant but not only example is the recent UIE-ADEA study on Education in Africa (see Alidou et al. 2006). This and prior work by members of the research team (across Africa and other international as well as Ethiopian contexts) has provided the theoretical and practical underpinnings for our investigation to be carried out across the decentralised regions of Ethiopia. A thorough review of international research and theory on language acquisition, second and foreign language teaching, where this is relevant to conditions in Ethiopia, is included in this study.
Our findings are presented and analysed in relation to what is currently known about how students can develop optimal language skills to facilitate retention and throughput in their educational careers, and our recommendations, while considering practical issues, are grounded in pedagogical explanation.
Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, January
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