Visual literacy is the ability to read and understand images. While we are taught to read and write words at school, no focused attention is given to teaching the skills to read images other than as 'art' or attractive illustrations of the words we read in schools. However, in the Life Sciences images are not mere illustrative supplements to written texts, but are indispensable for communicating complex ideas and concepts, and, if visual literacy doesn't develop 'naturally' many will battle to grasp the full meaning of scientific images.
This richly illustrated publication about scientific visual literacy critically examines the images and icons of evolution as they appear in scientific and in popular contexts. It seeks to help teachers to understand the complexities of evolution through visual means and, in the process, to acquire the skills needed to read the visuals with accuracy and depth of interpretation.
If you would like to obtain a copy of this Research Output, please contact the Research Outputs curators at researchoutputs@hsrc.ac.za
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